Creative Trade Show Booth Ideas To Attract More Visitors At Live Events
How your company’s booth at the trade show looks is extremely important. Booth’s design and all the promotional banners are the first things the visitors notice when they enter the trade show area. But the looks alone are not enough. Visitors come to trade shows seeking experiences, not just eye candies.
This is especially true for B2B companies, that use live events as their primary marketing tool and try to acquire as many leads as possible from trade shows and expos. And because traditional advertising methods, such as banners and big screen TVs showing promotional videos, are overused, it is difficult to attract visitors’ attention to your company’s booth.
Or is it?
Here are three creative trade show booth ideas to attract more visitors at your next live event:
Photo Booth with Props
Photo booths have been around a long time and the reason is simple. They work. People have fun taking their own photos in funny situations. To spice things up you can add a background with a funny take on your product or service or add some props like speech bubbles. It shows your company has a sense of humor and even if you are a professional business, nobody dislikes having fun.
A Photo Booth can be a good attraction for your booth, but it also has another advantage. Visitors that take the photos will bring those photos home and will occasionally be reminded of the good time they had at your booth. So next time they will be in need of a service or product that you are offering, the photos just might remind them of you.
Virtual Reality Experience
If you really want to attract visitors to your trade show booth, you can’t miss with a virtual reality experience. In case you have been living under a rock for the last few years, virtual reality is the new sheriff in live event marketing and brings all sorts of benefits with it. No matter what your goal is — attract visitors to get more leads, improve brand recognition, increase sales — VR can help you achieve it.
Because the possibility of entering a virtual world is so incredible, everybody wants to try it. This means your trade show booth will be crawling with visitors, that you can turn into customers.
With a virtual reality experience, you also get a distraction-free environment where you can present your company’s product or service and you allow visitors to have fun at the same time. Studies show this leads to a much better recollection of brands and products.
People love to compete. Especially for prizes. They don’t have to be big prizes, but people love getting free stuff. So next time you are at a live event, think about organizing a small competition with an award ceremony at the end of the day. It is even better if the competition has something in common with your brand. So for example, a car manufacturer having a car driving simulator at the booth.
If you want to take things further and achieve more buzz around your Brand, think about organizing a competition in Virtual Reality. That will really blow visitors away!
A quick »don’t do it« bonus. Whatever you decide, try to think outside the box. Do not be like the average company, that attends a trade show with your average TV promo, your average sales guy and your average brochure that ends up in the trash outside the venue. Nobody likes to be average. So don’t be.
Keywords: #VR #VirtualReality #CreativeMarketing #ExperientialMarketing #Digital #DigitalMarketing
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Andrej Persolja is a VR artist and a co-founder of Creative Solutions. Creative Solutions partners with creative agencies to help their clients raise the presentation of their products to the next level. Contact: